Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mothers Who Know

For those of you who listened to conference this weekend, hopefully you heard the talk by Julie B. Beck, General Relief Society President. What an inspirational talk for mothers! I got onto today to listen to the talk again since I was a little distracted by Binga when she gave it on Sunday.

Sometimes I think "what am I really doing as a mother?" I change diapers, clean up after Binga, clean the house, do laundry, plus I work about 5 hours a day. Life gets so hectic sometimes that the more important things seem to get lost in all the chaos. It's nice to hear a talk like this one to help us see what is really important in life. And I'm always trying to be organized, but with a child crawling around, pulling out toys all day, sometimes I think "What's the point? She's just going to pull them out again." But we need to keep our house like the Lord's house:

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." (Doctrine & Covenants 88:119)

If we do that, the spirit can feel welcome in our homes. And then it will be easier to focus on the important things, like teaching our children the gospel. Like President Bent said, our homes should be like a pre-MTC so that when our children go on missions, it's a review instead of a revelation when they go to the MTC.

Anyways, if you can't tell, I was really uplifted by this talk. Thank you President Bent! I love General Conference and the guidance that we get twice a year from our wonderful church leaders!

And here's a tribute to my beautiful daughter. I'm so lucky to be the mother of such a sweet, beautiful little girl. I love you, Binga!!!


April said...

That was a great talk and I'm so glad you feel the same, I think most mothers do. It was good to hear again. Thanks

Chani said...

I felt the same way. Her talk was fabulous. After listening to it, I felt the need to try a little harder. My mom introduced me to, and I totally reccomend it! I have only done it for two days, and I already feel more in control.

Chani said...

Sorry, that is