Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Kate's 6 Month Stats
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9:24 PM
Labels: Kate, Kate's firsts
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Emmy says and does funny things all the time - and I am a bad mom because I forget to write them down. So, this is me being a good mom. I'm trying to remember all the funny things she's been saying and doing lately and I'm writing them down to ease my conscience.
I've been writing these down for over a week as I remember them, so the list is kind of long. Here goes . . .
- She learned the song "New Divide" by Linkin Park. Hmmm, wonder where she learned that one from. It wasn't me, promise. She calls it "Daddy's song". Hah, Jake, you're caught! She'll be in her room while she's supposed to be sleeping. All of the sudden we'll hear, "Give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this mem'ry clean!" - the right words and all. This girl can learn songs and books faster than anyone I know! Seriously! She got a new book in her stocking for Christmas and she already has it memorized. She reads it to us and says the right words. Crazy!
- She's been singing a bunch of the songs from the Glee soundtrack (Volumes 1 and 2). Her favorites include Don't Stop Believin', Bust Your Windows, Alone, Somebody to Love, and Proud Mary.
- She started Primary on Sunday. I'm the 1st Counselor in the Primary Presidency. Not a good combination. She kept running to me during Sharing Time. When she went to her class after Sharing Time, she kept walking out and roaming the halls. She ended up in the Primary room looking for me. There is a teacher in the Sr Primary that has long dark hair. Her head was turned and Emmy thought she was me. She was yelling in a whisper, "Mom! Mom!" The teacher turned around and Emmy saw that it wasn't me. The surprised look on Emmy's face was classic!
- One day, Emmy ran up to me and said, "Hi! It's me, Barbie!" Then she ran away.
- After the first snowfall this year, we were driving in the car. Emmy looked out the window and told me that the snow looked like marshmallows.
- If Emmy can smell something, she says, "Mommy, I smell something" or she'll say "what do I smell?"
- Emmy points to everything with her middle finger. It's so cute, I haven't told her not to :)
- She says, "I wanna hold you" when she wants us to hold her. This started as soon as she could talk with "hold you" and hasn't stopped since. It's really cute!
- She calls girls "he" and boys "she". Sometimes she'll get it right, but most of the time she refers to Kate as "he".
- She's been calling me "Sweet Pea" the past couple of days. Like, "Hi Sweet Pea!" or "Sweet Pea, are you okay?" I love it. It makes me feel special.
- One morning before she woke up, it was all quiet, she hadn't even made a peep. All of the sudden I hear, "No, Swiper, no! No, Swiper, no!"
- She's been calling Jake "Da da" lately. That's what I used to call my dad when I was that age :)
- I was teaching her how to play bowling on the Wii. She got really frustrated with me and all of the sudden yelled out, "You idiot!" I was SO mad at first, but then I just started laughing. I couldn't help it! She'd never said that before and she was so mad when she said it. I asked her where she heard that word and she said "Thlushed Away" (Flushed Away in Emmy talk - She says her "f's" with a "th"). We were giggling about the whole thing, she and I, but I made sure to tell her that she's not to say that word again.
- The other night, after she'd been asleep a while, she started crying. I let her cry for a few minutes to see if she'd just go back to sleep. I finally decided she wasn't going to go to sleep on her own and needed some comfort. I went in her room and over to her bed. I started feeling around for her in her bed, but couldn't find her anywhere. I turned on the light and still couldn't see her anywhere in her room, but I could still hear her crying a little. Then I saw her hair under the bed. She had crawled under there while she was awake, fallen asleep and then woke up not knowing where she was! We had just taken off the side-gate thing that we put on her bed when she graduated her from her crib to her bed. I think she thought maybe it was kind of exciting to have that gone and decided to go exploring, who knows!
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10:48 PM
Labels: emmy
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Kate {6 Months}
- She is 20 pounds! What?! I checked and Emmy was 16 pounds at 6 months. Jake was 26 pounds at 6 months, so Kate is trying to catch up to that I guess :)
- She has graduated to fruits and veggies. But her favorites are carrots and peas. She just gobbles those down! She doesn't really like fruit, especially not peaches. We'll try bananas and see if she likes those any better.
- She is sitting up! She kind of skipped rolling over (see below) and is becoming a pro at sitting all by herself. She still falls on her face every now and then (ouch!) but she's getting more practice everyday and is getting better and better!
- She has rolled over twice! I was a little worried that she sort of skipped rolling over and went straight to sitting up, but her doctor said it's ok since she has rolled over. Here is a pic of Kate trying to roll over. . .
- She is wearing 6-9 month clothes but will be out of those soon! I really can't believe how big she is. She is definitely bigger than Emmy was at this age.
She goes in for her 6 month appointment next week, so I'll post exact stats then.
We are still loving this little girl, even if she does still get up at least once a night . . . no wonder she's such a chunker!
Don't you love these pics? My mom took them and I am loving the super close-ups.
I am jealous of those beautiful lashes!
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11:04 PM
Labels: Kate, Kate's firsts
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas Morning
We had a wonderful Christmas this year! As Emmy gets older, Christmas gets more and more fun. She was so excited to see the presents Santa brought her. Christmas day was spent hanging out at home and at my parent's house. We had a great time! I love Christmas time - my favorite time of the year. It just doesn't last long enough!
We always get PJ's on Christmas Eve. The girls are wearing their Christmas PJ's. It's a fun tradition! Grammy bought them this year. The ones Emmy has on are just like the ones my Grandma Hansen used to make for my sister and I. Ella got a pair just like Emmy's. It was a blast from the past for Lindsey and I!
Here is our Christmas morning in pictures:
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3:44 PM
Holiday Fun
The weekend before Christmas, we made the long trek up north to visit family. I really wanted to see my grandparents. My grandpa is 92 and has had problems from skin cancer. The day before we saw them, he had surgery to remove skin cancer right by his eye. Emmy was so concerned about him the whole time we were there - it was really cute.
It was great to visit with my grandparents. I don't know how much longer they will be around, so it was nice for the girls to see them and to hear some stories from my grandma. She loves genealogy and always has so many stories to share.
We also got to go to Temple Square with my brother and his family. It was great to spend time with them and to see the beautiful lights at Temple Square! Emmy rode with my brother and his family in their car to the temple. When they pulled up to the temple, she was so excited and told them that she was getting married in the temple. Hopefully she'll wait a few years first :)
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3:25 PM