Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What potty training looks like at our house . . .


April said...

Thats exactly how it is at our house right now. When she wakes up in the morning the diaper comes off. She runs to potty and then is usually barebum. Lately she does want to wear panties and takes them off when she goes. The potty, goes where ever she is. If she's playing in her room its there, if she's watching tv, its there. Good luck, its no fun huh.

Rach said...

Hey that is how it is at our house right now too!! Does she hold it too. I have to laugh when Emma does. I hope yours is going better then our is. Good luck!!!

Christina P. said...

Those are some cute buns! I am sure you are anxious to not have 2 kids in diapers! I've had at least two kids in diapers for the past 3 1/2 years! Crazy!

Mary said...

That's what we did, put the toilet in front of the T.V.
I hope Emmy gets it quickly.

Ammon and Tasha said...

Thats awesome! Hey less laundry to do right? :)

The Evans' said...

too bad our butts dont look that good naked!!