Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Baby Bump - 18 Weeks

I've been meaning to take a Baby Bump picture for a few weeks, and I finally remembered to have Jake take one! This is me at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months):

I've definitely got a bump going. And please don't tell me I don't look pregnant. My tummy is a lot bigger than normal, so when people tell me I don't look pregnant, then that just means that I look like I've gained a bunch of belly chub! :) Plus, I feel like I was sucking in for these pictures so that my belly wouldn't look as big as it really does . . . so maybe I was cheating a little . . . although it is kind of hard to suck a baby in :) So maybe I just felt like I was trying to suck in. Okay, now I'm rambling . . .


Janice said...

you're WAY smaller than i was thinking with what you were saying about being SO HUGE already!!!! :) i love you! you look great!

Lara Neves said...

you look so cute! When do you find out the gender? soon, eh?

Ammon and Tasha said...

I love baby bumps and I think that you look adorable!

The Eds said...

Its always when you aren't pregnant that you think others bumps are cute...then when its your's its like "I'm yuck"...but seriouly you look good. I have like 2 photos total of me pregnant. I hated posing.

Mrs. B said...

You look great! I definitely see the bump, but look at the rest of you--skinny hot mama!!

Amy said...

What? you look wonderful! I hope you are feeling okay!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do look pregnant...but still small for 4 1/2 months. You look very cute.

Anne-Marie said...

OK, it's not that you don't look pregnant, it's just that you look so cute and tiny!!

I'm rockin a pretty big belly at 4 months.

You look beautiful!

Rach said...

O man If you want to feel better about yourself I'll show you my picture. You look great !!!!
At 4 months people ask me 'WHen Is your baby Due?"
Again you look great!

April said...

you look so cute. Love the bump. And I am with you I hate when people say, You don't look prego, so I just look fat? haha.
Cute cute.